Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mini Coin Quilt Swap

I miss my camera. Please please repair it quickly. My phone just isn't cutting it.

I participated in a mini Chinese coin quilt swap online. Here is the cure little mini I received from my partner. I just love it! She used blue and green, my favorite colors!

I mailed mine to her yesterday. It took me a little while to do because the first one I made I hated the quilting I did on it. I didn't know how to fix it, so I started over and made a new one with better quilting. It's not great, but better then the first one. I can't wait for my machine quilting class!


  1. You did a great job with the mini coin quilt! Although I like the other one, this one is nice too :)

  2. Lovely work .... you lucky lady ... love the greens & aquas too!
